Sa Vileta-Son Rapinya
3 viajantes
NovoBest Owner
A partir de
42 €
2 cintos de segurançaNúmero de lugares com cintos de segurança
2 lugares para dormirEspaço para dormir confortável para 2 pessoas
Carta de condução BA sua carta de condução é suficiente para conduzir este veículo com menos de 3500kg
Documento verificadoO certificado de matrícula é validado pela nossa equipa
Viagens ao estrangeiro não autorizadasO proprietário não autoriza o seu veículo a sair do país
Animais de estimação autorizados a bordoOs seus animais de companhia podem fazer parte da viagem!
Pedido de aluguer sem compromisso!
Oferta básica ou reforçada, a escolha é sua!
A nossa equipa propõe-lhe alternativas em caso de percalços de última hora
A nossa equipa encontra-se disponível para o acompanhar
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Home is where you park it. Start your trip with an original VW T3 van in Retro and Boho style. Experience Mallorca in the best possible way, driving an original 'VW t3' to Topoyiyo.
This van is ideal for lovers of vintage vehicles, an 86 van for those who are not in a hurry to get there but rather enjoy the 80 speed road and a maximum of 100 km per day. The van is equipped with a high-quality bed, size 1.50mx 1.90mx, two burners for cooking, a fridge, a sink with running water, a shower and all the equipment for camping. It has complete crockery, pans, pots, coffee maker, kettle, We include oil, salt, vinegar and many spices. Deposit 30 liters. For greater comfort, it has thermal insulators for the windows and for the canvas of the upper bed, softening the temperatures, both in summer and in winter. Basic set of biodegradable cleaning, as well as personal hygiene: shower gel and organic shampoo. Being able to stand up to cook and change clothes is great on these types of trips! All the woods, fabrics and elements are natural, of the highest quality and ecological. It is the perfect medium for nature lovers, adventurers and travelers who like freedom. You can also rent hammocks, paddle surf boards, beach paddles, surf boards, yoga mats, games...
Possibility of including the following extras: Portable toilet (poti). It will be returned completely clean and empty, just as it was delivered. Paddle Surf / Surfboard / Yoga mat / Bike rack / Games / Diving goggles The camper van has all the comforts and details to enjoy unforgettable days, as well as an incredible sound system!
Choose to spend your energy on things that fill your soul - that way the hard days feel lighter & the smoot Vintage
Camper Van Volkswagen T3, from the 80's. €25 for cleaning and clothing. Look at: Mallorca Aventure Vans Feeling free on the road. That's what she hopes to give you forever.
Cama central
130x189 cmAs modalidades de reembolso variam em função da data de cancelamento da reserva.
A morada exata será facultada após confirmação da reserva.
Soy Miriam. Soy una persona cercana, detallista y de confianza. Soy profesora de Artes Gráficas y trabajo como freelance de comunicación y fotografía. Me encanta disfrutar de la vida y de la naturaleza. ¿Hobbies? Viajar, el Surf y el yoga. Conozco los mejores rincones de Mallorca y vivo en un sitio encantador. ¿¿Te animas??
A partir de 84 €/dia