Autocaravana capucino
El Mas Aliu
6 viajantes
A partir de
120 €
6 cintos de segurançaNúmero de lugares com cintos de segurança
6 lugares para dormirEspaço para dormir confortável para 6 pessoas
Carta de condução BA sua carta de condução é suficiente para conduzir este veículo com menos de 3500kg
Documento verificadoO certificado de matrícula é validado pela nossa equipa
Viagens ao estrangeiro não autorizadasO proprietário não autoriza o seu veículo a sair do país
Animais de estimação não autorizadosOs seus animais de companhia não poderão acompanhá-lo nesta viagem
Pedido de aluguer sem compromisso!
Oferta básica ou reforçada, a escolha é sua!
A nossa equipa propõe-lhe alternativas em caso de percalços de última hora
A nossa equipa encontra-se disponível para o acompanhar
Mais conforto com as nossas facilidades de pagamento
Dethleffs motorhome perfect for family trips of 4-5 people, although there is space for up to 6 people. Thanks to its dimensions, the vehicle is easy and comfortable to drive. The interior is spacious and distributed in a very practical and functional way. In addition, it is equipped to make you feel at home. It has three skylights that allow the entry of light and natural air. It also has a complete bathroom with shower and toilet; and a large warehouse space that will allow you to carry everything essential for your ideal trip.
This is our family motorhome. When we bought it, a basic premise was not having to assemble and disassemble beds every day. Therefore, its distribution is ideal. Always everything ready: a bunk bed with two fixed beds and a double bed above the driver's cabin. Only if you are traveling with 6 people you will you have to assemble and disassemble the bed in the dining room where there is a large table with a well-equipped kitchen and refrigerator.
To improve your safety on the road we have incorporated Monocontrol that allows you to drive with the gas connected without having problems in the event of an accident. In addition, this also brings more freshness to our refrigerator, especially in the summer months.
Are you interested?
Text us about yourselves, where you want to go, if it is your first time in a motorhome,... this is our family motorhome so we rent our little house to people who are going to take care of it as we have taken care of it all this time.
Thanks for your interest!
Standard equipment
Refrigerator with a small freezer.
Solar panel.
Leveling shims.
Heating and hot water.
Additional equipment
Basic cleaning kit.
Electrical connection kit.
Product for cistern and tank.
Hose for filling water.
Chains (only in winter or on request).
Essential tools.
Two propane gas cylinders.
Basic kitchen kit (pots, pans, mini coffee maker,...).
Kitchenware kit (plates, cups, glasses, cutlery,...).
The motorhome DOES NOT have:
Bedding and pillows. We suggest using sleeping bags.
Isofix for anchoring child seats. Although other types of chairs for children can be installed.
Cama capucino
190x200 cmCamas sobrepostas
80x200 cmCama de montar e desmontar
135x190 cmAs modalidades de reembolso variam em função da data de cancelamento da reserva.
A morada exata será facultada após confirmação da reserva.
Hola! Sóc la Mercè, viatgera d'aquest món, sempre amb il·lusió i buscant mil racons amb l'autocaravana. La llibertat i seguretat que té viatjar amb aquest sistema és genial. Desitjo compartir aquestes sensacions amb tots vosaltres!
A partir de 95 €/dia