2 viajantes
NovoBest Owner
A partir de
50 €
3 cintos de segurançaNúmero de lugares com cintos de segurança
2 lugares para dormirEspaço para dormir confortável para 2 pessoas
Carta de condução BA sua carta de condução é suficiente para conduzir este veículo com menos de 3500kg
Documento verificadoO certificado de matrícula é validado pela nossa equipa
Viagens ao estrangeiro não autorizadasO proprietário não autoriza o seu veículo a sair do país
Animais de estimação não autorizadosOs seus animais de companhia não poderão acompanhá-lo nesta viagem
Reserva InstantâneaMais simples e mais rápido!
Oferta básica ou reforçada, a escolha é sua!
A nossa equipa propõe-lhe alternativas em caso de percalços de última hora
A nossa equipa encontra-se disponível para o acompanhar
Mais conforto com as nossas facilidades de pagamento
Hello this our weekends jewel our lovely camper.
The e-bike can be included in the rental. Please consult.
Exceptionally we can deliver the van near the boom festival area this summer
This van was designed for our family weekends carved along time with just the things that give you confort when you are out exploring. For us 3 things were important; being able to park it anywhere(so we didn't want a vehicle that would be an obstacle to spend the night anywhere we want, like in front of a nice sunset viewpoint as well as the center of a town); being able to sleep in a nice confortable bed in a fresh environment even if we wake up late (we have a 5 cm insulation plus the wood finish so it will stay fresh through morning); having a reliable fridge that can refrigerate as well as freeze water and make ice. This seemed like the basics for confort to the Portugal average outdoor conditions. To that we added a coocker and parafernalia, we added shower bags, a 25Liter water deposit, a large cloth for shading area, we added 220v ( 1000w)plug a solar panel and an auxiliar gel battery for eletrical support of 90AH.
The inner lights in the back are smooth and there are 2 difrent intensity levels, one for reading and a smoother one. There is also a little fan to circulate the air inside.
-We have 2 bycicles that you can take, our favourite thing is to explore around with them and move on to another location, they fit in the back well, and when we settle we just lock them outside.
We also have a chemical toilet wich along the years was never used. If you want you can take it but it needs to be cleaned before delivery like everything else.
Depending on date the van might be in a difrent location and picking it up there might be necessary.
Cama basculante
170x200 cmAs modalidades de reembolso variam em função da data de cancelamento da reserva.
A morada exata será facultada após confirmação da reserva.
we are a couple with two daughter building and eco villa in center portugal. meanwhile we would love to share our campervan to people who wants to enjoy Portugal.
A partir de 75 €/dia